In this section you'll learn the main concepts in Nedoto.
Projects are the starting point of Nedoto.
A project represent your product, your application or your website. Give to the project your product name to be simply
A project can be enabled or disabled.
Disabling a project will switch off all the environments, configurations and assets in it, so be careful when disabling a
project that is currently used in production because it can have a huge impact on your product.
Use the environments to group your configurations or assets for different scenarios, usually a good practice is to have three different environments like: development, staging, production - but you can create as many environment as you need with of course the names you wish.
Each environment belongs to a project.
Like the projects an environment can be enabled or disabled and this will affect the delivery of your configuration and assets - so pay attention when disabling an environment that is already in production.
Configurations are Nedoto's core.
With the configurations you can simply store a single string, JSON or even HTML and retrieve or push in real-time to your application or website or where ever you need. Each configuration has a unique name for each environment to avoid naming collision.
You can choose different type of configurations supported at the moment:
- string
- integer
- float
- boolean
- code (js, php, etc. or even json)
- html
With the assets you can store any kind of document or image you need, these mime-types
are currently supported:
- text/csv
- application/msword
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
- image/gif
- image/gif
- text/calendar
- image/jpeg
- application/json
- application/ld+json
- image/png
- image/webp
- application/pdf
- text/plain
- application/
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
- application/xml
- text/xml
- application/zip
- image/svg+xml
You can choose to deliver your assets via a simple URL or reference them inside your configurations, for example inside a JSON, code or even HTML.
Api keys are used to retrieve your configurations or assets from your code.
Api keys must be included in each request inside the X-Api-Key
HTTP request key.
You can create as many api keys as you need for each environment to let different applications use the same configurations. Each api key can be enabled or disabled independently to give you the opportunity to allow or disallow certain clients.
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