Welcome to Nedoto, the remote and real-time configuration service.
To get started in 5 minutes, follow these steps:
Sign up for a free account at nedoto.com.
Create a new project, environment, and configuration in the Nedoto dashboard.
Use one of the following methods to retrieve your configuration:
If you are a developer you can retrieve your configuration with different SDKs for PHP and Javascript or Typescript: take a look here.
If you want to retrieve your configuration with cURL, use the following command:
curl --location 'https://app.nedoto.com/api/get/<your configuration slug>' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: <your api key>'
We create a small CLI command to test the retrieval of your configuration.
Go to https://github.com/nedoto/nedoto-cli and clone the CLI command.
Enter the nedoto-cli directory and type:
$ bash nedoto-cli.bash
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