
This section explain how to manage configurations in

Create a new configuration

The first time you use Nedoto, you won't have any configuration.

To create a new configuration, click on the purple "New configuration" button at the top right.

Create a new configuration

In the configuration creation form, fill in the mandatory fields identified by a red asterisk and press the button "Create," or "Create & create another" to create multiple configurations without leaving the form.

Fill mandatory fields

💡 configuration slug

The configuration slug is automatically generated starting from the configuration name and must be unique inside the same environment, otherwise you will receive an error.

💡 Configuration types

At the moment we support these configuration types:

- string
- integer
- float
- boolean
- code (json, javascript, php, etc.)
- html

If the configuration creation is successful, you will be redirected to the environments list with the "Created" notification.

Project list

Edit the configuration

To edit a configuration, click on the pencil icon next to the configuration name, and you will be redirected to the editing page.

Delete the configuration

To delete a configuration, click on the red trash can icon. A notification will prompt you to confirm. By pressing the red button, the configuration will be deleted.

Delete an environment

Configuration history

A configuration can be created and modified multiple times. Sometimes errors can occur in this process, so in Nedoto, we've added a feature called "History" that allows you to view a log of changes and restore them with a single click.

To view the history of changes to a configuration, click on the highlighted button in the image below:

Configuration history

Here's how the history screen of a configuration looks.
As you can see on the left, old values are listed, and on the right, you'll find the newly set values.

By clicking the "Restore" button, you can revert to the old values shown on the left:

Configuration history details

Copy configuration to another environment

Often, when you define a configuration in the development or staging environment, you need to copy it, for example, to the production environment.

This is just an example of how the "Copy to another environment" feature works.
This way, you don't need to manually create a new configuration; instead, you can simply copy it with a click.

Click on the highlighted button:

Copy configuration to another environment

A modal will appear, prompting you to select the environment to which you want to copy the configuration:

Select the environment where to copy the configuration

Real-time push

A configuration can be retrieved with a simple API call, but sometimes you may need to push in real-time the value of your configurations without the need for a deployment.

Some examples include:

  • Disabling a feature in real-time without a new deployment
  • Changing an image in real-time without a new deployment
  • Injecting JavaScript code into a smartphone application in real-time without a new deployment
  • Sending a notification to all connected users in real-time
  • Etc.

To push the value of your configurations in real-time, click on the highlighted button:

Real-time configuration push

A modal will appear, and by clicking the "Submit" green button, you will send the value of this configuration to all your connected clients in real-time:

Real-time configuration push

You have to implement the client-side logic to receive the real-time pushed value or use one of Nedoto SDKs.

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